Week 2

Good morning everybody.

As you might have noticed we got a little slow with putting on information about Shaw Park. This is due to a lot of reasons, but especially our thesisis. However The work in Shaw Park is progressing, as you can see on the new pictures.

Not as quick due to a lot of rain (we really needed, so we just forget about the negeative side) and a national holiday this Monday.

However Eddie and his workers are busy, and yesertday afternoon when we had a little time we went to Shaw Park to make pictures and look how far the buidling is.

It was really nice to see that they ceiling was in. The space looked suddenly a lot smaller. But more like a classroom allready. Besides that was the wall suddenly with, really with outside. Which was also nice to see.

What news do we have more? Well a lot op people donated money! Thank you for that. But we still need more. Besides that do we hear a lot of positive stories about stationary packages and gifts, which is definatly positive. We are going to see what the easiest way is to get all that here.

And then ofcourse there is some news from Africa. We went to the local radio station, and probably we are going to be on one of the programs. Besides that, we might have the possibility to have a piece in the local newspaper!

We just wanna close this with a thank you to all donateurs and people who are still busy, and especially to the Qatar Students!

Thank you All!

Eline & Yvon



Nicole (zusje Yvon)

Wow girls! It does look amazing!!! Awesome job! It looks so much better now the walls are white again!! I will put the information on twitter and facebook. I hope people will donate more money!! Good luck with everything!!!

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